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Paying Homage

I grew up in a two family household and within my family I have also had a number of other positive male role models as well. However, as I look back at my life thus far I’ve began to realize that the women in my life are the ones that have made the most notable impact that align with my own values.

The women that I speak of are both family and a few are friends.  Starting with my mother Urales. She was my first example of what a real woman is made of. She showed me strength, courage and commit to family. I think I also inherited those very same qualities from my her while raising my children.

 Next were my Aunts Effie, Lil and Essie.  All of these women made sure that we formed a united front as a family to always stick together and support one another. Aunt Effie was big on family values. Growing up around Aunt Effie I quickly realized how important family gatherings were to her.  I watched as she managed her household with a firm hand but at the same time with a lot of love.  I believe that observing her also helped to shape my values in order to understand the importance of family.

 Then there was Aunt Lil. After marriage and raising her 3 children she returned to school in her mid-50’s. She obtained a Bachelorette degree in Psychology. Upon her graduation she was the oldest person in her class to walk across the stage. After obtaining her degree she decided to embark on a whole new career. Her courage inspired me to go to college without fear while still raising my children.

Next there is my Aunt Essie. After a more then 40 year marriage the passing of her husband left her alone and feeling unprepared to deal with the challenge of doing everything on her own. I watched her find the strength to adapt to a new life.  She learned to manage day to day life as well as assume the role of handling her own affairs without help from anyone.

Finally there are my long term friends Cheryl and Onia. Both of these women are two of the most fearless women I know. Cheryl values family first but still finds time to support her friends. I can’t imagine how different my life would be without her.

Onia is also a loyal and selfless friend. She steps up and steps in to lend a helping hand at times when you don’t even expect her too. Her friendship is forever invaluable.

The newest addition to my hosts of friends I can count on is Sheena. Sheena has been very supportive. She listens and she encourages me to challenge myself.  She carries herself with the greatest self-confidence.  She’s a stand up kind of woman that can only inspire those around her to do the same. 

It is the greatest gift that I could ever have to be in the presence of any of these women. Through them I’ve learned the true value of having someone to can count on in the best and the worst of times.